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发布时间:2022-02-23    作者:      审核人:    点击:[]









研究生招生:081701化学工程、081702化学工艺、081703生物化工、081704应用化学、081705工业催化以及精细化工等一系化工类相关专业。考数学,过英语四级,四大化学基础知识扎实。满足要求的发简历到邮箱niegenkuo@qust.edu.cn, 简历内容包括:本科学校,专业课成绩,四六级成绩以及发文章情况。

2017年博士毕业于天津大学,先在山东理工大学工作,后入选2018年博士后创新人才计划并在天津大学完成博士后研究,于20209月就职于kaiyun体育官方网站。研究课题着眼于国家航空航天重大需求,应对国家目前资源能源储备现状,开展生物质催化转化制备特种航天燃料的研究,主要涉及有生物质转化、多相催化、有机反应工程、理论计算等领域,Appl. Catal. B-Environ., J.Catal., Chem. Eng. Sci., AIChE J., Green Chem., Fuel等化学化工大类TOP期刊发表论文20余篇,授权中美专利4项,合著外文专著1部,主持和参与国家基金及博士后基金等10余项。研究成果入选“2021年中国博士后创新人才十大成果”。









1.   Pan, L.; Xie, J.; Nie, G.; Li, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Zeolite catalytic synthesis of high-performance jet-fuel-range spiro-fuel by one-pot Mannich-Diels-Alder reaction. AIChE Journal 2020, 66 (1), e16789.

2.   Nie, G.; Wang, H.; Li, Q.; Pan, L.; Liu, Y.; Song, Z.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J.; Yu, S., Co-conversion of lignocellulosic derivatives to Jet fuel blending by an efficient hydrophobic acid resin. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021, 292120181

3.   Nie, G.; Dai, Y.; Liu, Y.; Xie, J.; Gong, S.; Afzal, N.; Zhang, X.; Pan, L.; Zou, J.-J., High yield one-pot synthesis of high density and low freezing point jet-fuel-ranged blending from bio-derived phenol and cyclopentanol. Chemical Engineering Science 2019, 207, 441-447.

4.   Nie, G.; Dai, Y.; Xie, J.; Zhang, X.; Pan, L.; Zou, J.-J., Improving low-temperature properties of lignin-derived jet-fuel-ranged hydrocarbons via hydroisomerization. Catalysis Today 2021, 365, 235-240.

5.   Xie, J.; Pan, L.; Nie, G.; Xie, J.; Liu, Y.; Ma, C.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Photoinduced cycloaddition of biomass derivatives to obtain high-performance spiro-fuel. Green Chemistry 2019, 21 (21), 5886-5895.

6.   Nie, G.; Shi, C.; Dai, Y.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Ma, C.; Liu, Q.; Pan, L.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Producing methylcyclopentadiene dimer and trimer based high-performance jet fuels using 5-methyl furfural. Green Chemistry 2020, 22, 7765-7768.

7.   Dai, Y.; Nie, G.; Gong, S.; Wang, L.; Pan, L.; Fang, Y.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Reduced graphene oxide enhanced emulsification for one-pot synthesis of high-density jet fuel. Fuel 2020, 275 (117962), 1-8.

8.   Xie, J.; Liu, Y.; Jia, T.; Pan, L.; Fang, Y.; Shi, C.; Nie, G.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Regioselective synthesis of methyl-substituted adamantanes for promoting oxidation stability of high-density fuels. Energy & Fuels 2020, 34 (4), 4516-4524.

9.   Zhang, Y.-C.; Nie, J.; Cao, J.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Nie, G.; Pan, L.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Synthesis of high-density flammable hydrocarbon as potential hypergolic fuel and ignition additive of high-density fuels. Combustion and Flame 2020, 222, 252-258.

10. Liu, Y.; Ma, C.; Shi, C.; Pan, L.; Xie, J.; Gong, S.; Zhang, Y.-C.; Nie, G.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Synthesis of strained high-energy rocket bio-kerosene via cyclopropanation of myrcene. Fuel Processing Technology 2020, 201, 106339.

11. Xie, J.; Jia, T.; Gong, S.; Liu, N.; Nie, G.; Pan, L.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Synthesis and thermal stability of dimethyl adamantanes as high-density and high-thermal-stability fuels. Fuel 2020, 260, 116424.

12. Liu, Y.; Nie, G.; Yu, S.; Pan, L.; Wang, L.; Zhang, X.; Shi, C.; Zou, J.-J., Water-tolerant phosphotungstic acid catalyst for controllable synthesis of high-performance biojet fuel. Chemical Engineering Science 2021, 238, 116592.

13. Ji, C.; Wang, H.; Sun, S.; Li, Q.; Zou, J.-J.; Yu, S.; Shi, H.; Nie, G.; Liu, S., One-pot synthesis of 2-ethylanthraquinone from phthalic anhydride and ethylbenzene over a Sc-modified Hβ catalyst. Chemical Engineering Science 2022, 251, 117480.

14  Xie, J.; Zhang, X.; Pan, L.; Nie, G.; E, X.-T.-F.; Liu, Q.; Wang, P.; Li, Y.; Zou, J.-J., Renewable high-density spiro-fuels from lignocellulose-derived cyclic ketones. Chemical Communications 2017, 53 (74), 10303-10305.

15. Xie, J.; Zhang, X.; Shi, C.; Pan, L.; Hou, F.; Nie, G.; Xie, J.; Liu, Q.; Zou, J.-J., Self-photosensitized [2 + 2] cycloaddition for synthesis of high-energy-density fuels. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2020, 4 (2), 911-920.

16. Gong, S.; Jia, T.; Pan, L.; Nie, G.; Zhang, X.; Wang, L.; Zou, J.-J., Enhanced thermal oxidation stability of jet fuel by deoxygenation treatment. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils 2020, 56 (4), 627-637.

17. Nie, G.; Li, G.; Liang, D.; Zhang, X., Alkylation of toluene with cyclohexene over phosphotungstic acid: A combined experimental and computational study. Journal of Catalysis 2017, 355, 145-155.

18. Han, P.; Nie, G.; Xie, J.; E, X.-t.-f.; Pan, L.; Zhang, X.; Zou, J.-J., Synthesis of high-density biofuel with excellent low-temperature properties from lignocellulose-derived feedstock. Fuel Processing Technology 2017, 163, 45-50.

19. Nie, G.; Zhang, X.; Han, P.; Xie, J.; Pan, L.; Wang, L.; Zou, J.-J., Lignin-derived multi-cyclic high density biofuel by alkylation and hydrogenated intramolecular cyclization. Chemical Engineering Science 2017, 158, 64-69.

20. Nie, G.; Zhang, X.; Pan, L.; Han, P.; Xie, J.; Li, Z.; Xie, J.; Zou, J.-J., Hydrogenated intramolecular cyclization of diphenylmethane derivatives for synthesizing high-density biofuel. Chemical Engineering Science 2017, 173, 91-97.

21. Nie, G.; Li, G.; Wang, L.; Zhang, X., Nanocomposites of polymer brush and inorganic nanoparticles: preparation, characterization and application. Polymer Chemistry 2016, 7 (4), 753-769




Wiley旗下书目《Design and Synthesis of High-Energy-Density Fuels for Advanced Propulsion》第六章



1.     美国专利:Process for the preparation of a bicyclic fused-ring alkane. (US10519081B1)

2.     中国专利:一种双环烷烃的制备方法及其作为喷气燃料的用途。(ZL201810821200.1

3.     中国专利:一种烷基取代的萘烷烃的制备方法及其作为喷气燃料的用途。(ZL 107628920 B

4.     中国专利:一种烷基取代四氢双环戊二烯二聚体的制备方法及其作为喷气燃料的用途。(ZL201910816647.4



1. 青岛科技大学高层次人才引进经费,40 万元,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21808162,基于磷钨酸介孔固体催化剂的烷基取代十氢萘的可控合成,2019/01 ~ 2021/1225万,结题,主持;

3. 2018年中国博士后创新人才支持计划项目,BX201802122018/07~2020/0660万元,结题,主持;

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M6317432018/05~2020/015万元,结题,主持;

5. 2019博士后国际交流计划学术交流项目,3万元,结题,主持;

6. 泰安市大学生科技创新项目除草剂异丙甲草胺的优化合成与应用2010062008/07~2010/061万元,结题,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21978200,基于p-Ti1-xO2/n-WO3-x非均相光催化合成生物质高密度燃料研究,2020/01-2023/1265万元,在研,参与;

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21476168,木质素高密度航空燃料的非卤素直接合成基础研究,2015/01~2018/1290万元,结题,参与;

9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21306132,仿生调控Pt/SBA-15的构型机制与催化加氢性能研究,2014/01~2016/1225万元,结题,参与;

10. 泰安市大学生科技创新项目牛蒡加工工艺的改进研究,参与。



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